Bathroom Sealing at a Glance
Generally speaking, thebathroom waterproofingis the process of protecting your bathroom and wet areas using various methods. Suitable sealing measures ensure that water cannot penetrate the building structure.
In connection with tiles or other slab coverings, one speaks of the so-calledcomposite waterproofingin the bathroom.This always consists of several layers and components such as tile adhesive,sealing matsorliquid foilas well as accessories such as sealing tapes and cuffs.
function of the seal
- Thebathroom waterproofingprevents moisture from penetrating walls and floors
- Mold formation in the masonry is avoided
- The service life of the building structure is increased
- Mat systems also have insulating properties
- Adjacent rooms are protected from moisture damage
- Sealing mats provide a secure foundation for tiles and other floor coverings.
In the blog"Bathroom sealing: protection against moisture and mold"you will find further information on the topic.
Different methods for bathroom sealing
At thesealinga distinction is made betweenliquid waterproofing for the bathroomand mat systems consisting ofsealing membranesEach method has different advantages. To help you decide which is best for you, here are some characteristics of the methods.
Sealing the bathroom with sealing mats
sealing membranesare usually made of polyethylene foil and are attached to the wall with tile adhesive. The processing is a little more complex, but the tiles can be installed immediately after laying. A big advantage ofsealing matsis the high tear resistance, which ensures long-termsealingThanks to the matching molded parts, they are also easy to adapt to different room shapes and corners.
Self-adhesive seal
A special and quite new form ofsealing membraneshas a self-adhesive back. This type ofsealingbrings with it a number of advantages that should not be neglected when deciding which method is best for you. First of all, there is the time factor. As no glue has to be applied and no drying times have to be taken into account as with liquid foil, the working time is reduced many times over. Last but not least, when layingself-adhesive sealing membranesless dirt than with the other methods. You can read more about this in the blog post"Self-adhesive sealing in the bathroom"further information.
liquid sealing with liquid foil
liquid foilis applied with a brush, which makes it very easy to use. The uncomplicated processing makes it suitable for areas that are difficult to access. It is also ideal for small repairs or additions, as it is flexible and easy to apply. A major disadvantage compared to mat systems is the long drying time, which can take up to 24 hours. Only then can you start tiling.
bathroom sealing according to DIN 18534
In DIN 18534 thesealing of interior spacesOnly if all points are fulfilled is it a standard-compliantsealingThe various points include:
- Classification into water impact classes (W0-I to W3-I.
- Sealing materials must be tested and approved. Accessories such as sealing tapes or sleeves must be used in a system-specific manner.
- The waterproofing layer must be at least two layers.
- Wall seals must extend 5 cm above the floor. For floor-level showers, at least 20 cm above the highest tap.
- Shower trays and bathtubs must be specially protected by special tub sealing tapes
- Floor drains and channels must have a flange width of 50 mm
- The sealing must be continued behind door frames and connecting joints
Tile composite sealing in the bathroom - our systems
With theself-adhesive waterproofing membrane WSand the associated accessories, you will find an exceptional sealing system of the highest quality with us. It is particularly worth mentioning that all components are self-adhesive, which speeds up the processing considerably. Standard-compliant sealing in record time.
TheDURAL sealing membrane ET-Swith matching accessories is another mat system for bathroom sealing that you can find with us. This also ensures sealing in accordance with DIN18534.
So that with yourbathroom waterproofingeverything goes right we recommend the article"The 5 most common mistakes when sealing bathrooms"in our guide