Impact sound insulation for floors

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Nahaufnahme einer zum Teil ausgerollten, weißen DURAL Trittschallmatte DURABASE SW14DURAL Trittschallmatte SW14 in einem Wohnzimmer unter weißen Fliesen verlegt. Zu sehen sind noch eine Couch, Tisch, Ofen und drei E-Gitarren
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Impact sound insulation for tiles: protection against noise pollution

Underimpact sound insulationAll measures are understood to reduce noise such as walking noises. Impact noise is caused by vibrations in the floor. This can lead to disturbing noises, especially in apartment buildings or flats. With an effectiveimpact sound insulationSound transmission is minimized, so that disturbing noises are a thing of the past.

Types of impact sound insulation under tiles

One way toImpact sound insulation for tilesis the use of specialimpact sound mats. As an alternative, there istile insulation boardsThese are rigid panels that are usually 4 to 12 mm thick.

Both variants,impact sound matsandtile insulation boards, effectively reduce the transmission of sound into adjacent rooms and thus contribute to a more pleasant room climate.

What is an impact sound mat?

impact sound matsare special mats made of elastic material such as rubber or plastic. They are laid in a thin layer under the tile covering and their structure and material properties ensure effective sound reduction. They primarily reduce the transmission of sound into rooms below and thus ensure a quieter living atmosphere.

Ourimpact sound matfrom DURAL with insulation of up to -14dB under tiled surfaces is perfect for reducing sound indoors.

Advantages of impact sound mats:

  1. adapt to uneven and irregular surfaces
  2. are easy to cut and install
  3. have a low installation height
  4. offer fewer sound bridges than rigid insulation panels
  5. increase living comfort through a noticeable reduction in impact noise and vibrations.

How impact sound mats work:

The functionality ofimpact sound matsis based on the ability to dampen vibrations. The elasticity of the mats ensures that the sound waves cannot penetrate the floor covering unhindered. This reduces or even completely interrupts the transmission of vibrations.

Benefit from our mats and a home without annoying walking noises.

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