
Schmale Gipserspachtel mit rotem Kunststoffgriff #A0003022
Gipserspachtel mit rotem Kunststoffgriff #A0003024
Multiglättfix Fugenspachtel mit verschieden geformten Kanten und Abrundungen
Breite Flächenspachtel mit schwarz/rotem Griff
Detailaufnahme der Malerspachtel mit blauen Kunststoffgriff
Weiße, einseitig abgerundete Fugenspachtel aus Silikon
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Spatulas at a glance

Whether for painters, floor fitters or drywallers,spatulasare indispensable tools for every craftsman. They are the perfect tool for smoothing surfaces, filling joints or applying filler evenly. With us you will find a variety of differentspatulas. These include the following articles:

  1. painter's spatula
  2. plasterer's spatula
  3. surface filler
  4. silicone joint filler
  5. joint filler Multiglättfix

Functions of our spatulas

  1. Thepainter's spatulais perfect for applying filler and removing wallpaper residue. It has a flexible, rust-proof blade and a plastic handle.
  2. Oursurface filleris perfect for larger areas where a filler needs to be applied. With this article you can make meters. Thisspatulaowns a large blade with a width of 480 mm and a soft handle for a secure grip.
  3. For spreading and applying plaster or similar materials, theplasterer's spatulaideal. The ergonomically shaped handle ensures comfort even when working for longer periods.
  4. With thejoint fillersyou can easily fill and smooth joints. Perfect if you are working with silicone or other sealants.

With the rightspatulasfrom our range you can ensure that your projects are carried out precisely and cleanly. Discover the variety and quality of ourspatula tools.

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Through our direct sales, you not only benefit from our know-how but also save up to 30%. As a business owner/dealer, you can also look forward to top dealer conditions!

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