Skirting boards

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  • overview
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What are skirting boards?

Atskirting boards,skirting boardsorskirting boardsThese are strips that are installed as a connection between the floor and the wall. Unsightly transitions and gaps are simply covered by them. They are an essential part of living spaces and enhance them visually. In addition,skirting boardsother practical functions from which you benefit.

Functions of skirting boards

  1. Expansion joints between wall and floor, which are necessary for laminate or parquet flooring, are elegantly concealed.
  2. The visual demarcation with skirting boards ensures a structured room division.
  3. skirting boardscreate a harmonious transition between floor and wall.
  4. Withskirting boardsand their different colors you can set optical highlights.
  5. Walls are protected from impacts e.g. by a vacuum cleaner
  6. For certainskirting boardsCables can be laid behind them, making them invisible.

installation of skirting boards

Umskirting boardsThere are different ways to install it with different advantages:

  1. Gluing: With specialassembly adhesiveThe strips can be quickly and easily attached to smooth and clean walls.
  2. Clip systems: These have wall brackets attached in advance.skirting boardscan then simply be clipped into them. Due to the flexible assembly and disassembly, these systems are very versatile.
  3. Screwing or nailing: The installation is a little more complicated here, as screws in particular have to be pre-drilled. However, this method offers a firm connection to the wall. It is also possible with slightly uneven walls.

Ourskirting boardsare intended exclusively for gluing.

accessories for skirting boards

With our matching accessories for theskirting boardssuch as end caps, connectors and especially inside and outside corners, the installation is even easier. The corner fittings allow you to easily and cleanlyskirting boardsaround the corner. End caps ensure a clean finish to the strips and connectors cover the joint edges when twoskirting boardsbe laid next to each other.

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